We recently launched our debut Equitable Research Partnerships Toolkit, designed to support the creation and advancement of fairer north-south and south-south research relationships in the higher education research landscape.
Informed by substantial consultation with ACU members and equitable research partnership stakeholders and experts, the end result is a carefully curated selection of practical resources, that universities in all corners of the world can utilise to establish or enhance equity in their research relationships.
The toolkit focuses on stimulating critical thinking and dialogue about what equity means and might ‘look like’ in a research partnership, as well as practical actions that can be implemented to improve this.
Online workshop: Tool 1 - Equity Cafe
This participatory workshop will informally engage participants in discussion and analysis on what equity is and how it might be achieved in global north-south dynamics, as well as other types of research partnerships.
The primary focus of the workshop will be the application of the Equity Café. Based on the World Café method, this is just one of 20 tools in the ACU’s new toolkit. Toolkit co-creator, Michelle Brear, will walk participants through why, when and how to use the tool, as well as leading interactive exercises, and answering any queries and questions.
The workshop will provide valuable insight for academics already conducting research in partnership, and for those that are planning to establish research alliances in the future.
Exclusively for staff at ACU member institutions
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