Taking charge now: a pivotal year for higher education and Agenda 2030

Five people are on zoom call
23 Mar 2021
13:30-15:00 UTC

Join us in March for a webinar to engage with debate and action to support the role of higher education in sustainable development.

This free virtual event, co-organised with L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and the International Association of Universities (IAU), forms part of the IAU webinar series on the Future of Higher Education.

Universities are the key to healthier, greener, fairer and more inclusive societies – in short, to ensuring a better future for us all. Their response to the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the crucial impact they have through teaching and research on key issues, and their engagement with local communities.

2021 is a critical year for higher education. As nations start to plan their recovery from the pandemic, there is a danger that higher education budgets will be cut – putting at risk not just an inclusive and sustainable post-COVID recovery, but also the entire education ecosystem and progress against the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In times of crisis, cooperation is more crucial than ever. The ACU, AUF, and IAU are working in partnership to advocate for higher education and its role for sustainable development at the highest levels.

This coalition of three global associations – representing more than 2,000 institutions across more than 140 countries – is calling on the sector to come together to champion, defend, and support higher education.

This event is open to all.


Association Perspectives

  • Hilligje van’t Land, Secretary-General, IAU.
  • Joanna Newman, Secretary-General, ACU.
  • Slim Khalbous, Rector, AUF

University Perspectives

  • Myriam Moïse, Secretary-General, Universities Caribbean; Associate Professor, Université des Antilles, Martinique.
  • Francis Aduol, Vice-Chancellor, Technical University of Kenya.

Pre-registration for this session is now closed. Click here to join the live event.


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