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The Association of Commonwealth Universities | ACU
OCPP Mozambique Scholars 2024

Meet the Ocean Country Partnership Programme Scholars Mozambique 2024.

The OCPP Scholarships Mozambique, funded through the UK’s Blue Planet Fund, offer a unique opportunity for students from Mozambique to undertake a fully funded Master’s in marine science. Meet this year's cohort of OCPP Mozambique Scholars, find out more about their research interests, and how their scholarships will be used.

Universidade Lúrio

Patrício Marques

Masters in Applied Ecology

Hilário Biché Faque

Masters in Applied Ecology

Keily Benjamim Cipriano

Masters in Applied Ecology

Ildefonso Ronildo Joaquim Monteiro

Masters in Applied Ecology

Celso Florêncio Eduardo

Masters in Applied Ecology

Carlos Viriato

Masters in Applied Ecology

Nurane Zeinadine Carlos

Masters in Applied Ecology

João Chico Lole

Masters in Applied Ecology

Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

Neyma Patrício Cumbana

Master of Biology and Ecology of Conservation (MBEC)

Elcidio Cristóvão Cossa

Master of Biology and Ecology of Conservation (MBEC)

Dr Calisto Macaringue

Master of Biology and Ecology of Conservation (MBEC)

Professor Moisés Ernesto Luís

Master of Biology and Ecology of Conservation (MBEC)

Inácia Machava

Master of Biology and Ecology of Conservation (MBEC)

Yudmila Chunguane

Master of Biology and Ecology of Conservation (MBEC)