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The Association of Commonwealth Universities | ACU
ACU Gender Grants

Supporting initiatives to boost gender equity and equality on campus.

Applications now open
Applications close: 5 May 2025 3PM UTC 

ACU Gender Grants are awarded annually to member universities to support initiatives that will boost gender equity and equality on campus.

The grants can be used for a diverse range of projects, workshops, and events in areas such as: 

  • Supporting women in leadership
  • Raising awareness of sexual harassment and developing anti-sexual harassment initiatives
  • Supporting women in science and research
  • Creating effective institutional policies
  • Mainstreaming gender equity into the curriculum 
  • To help meet the costs of organising projects that promote gender equity and equality.

The ACU is working in partnership with the Martha Farrell Foundation to provide up to three of the five Gender Grants focused on creating effective anti-sexual harassment policies and strategies, drawing on the Foundation's expertise in anti-sexual harassment initiatives. These grants are open to staff members of ACU member universities in Africa and Asia and include online training and follow-up online support from the Martha Farrell Foundation.  

What does the grant include? 

  • Five grants of up to GBP 2,000  

How to apply? 

  • Be a staff member at an ACU member university
  • Review the FAQs and application guidance.
  • Submit an application through the online application form. 
  • If you already have a MyACU account, you can access the grant application form when applications open.
  • If you do not already have a MyACU account, please ensure that you first register for an account and then follow the instructions in the registration email to log in to the system before accessing the application form.
Apply here
What our Grantees say

‘The ACU-funded workshop was an excellent opportunity for me to disseminate knowledge on gender equality among various stakeholders. The workshop has resulted in more attention from the university administration to the issue of gender equity and equality. University leadership, as well as other members of the university community, are now seeking my advice and support for initiating similar initiatives on SGBV prevention and other topics supporting gender equity and equality.’ 

Dr S Vasantha
Professor & Head of the Department, MBA - Logistics & Shipping Management, Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, India
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‘As a result of the workshop, gender-related terminology was introduced to policy documents, and gender-related issues  included in teaching and curriculum. Jinnah Sindh Medical University has also established a gender just committee  that has been functioning actively.’

Ms Naushaba Khatoon
Director, APPNA Institute of Public Health, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Pakistan
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‘The leadership development workshop motivated the participant female academics to upgrade their qualifications to PhD, a major achievement considering the university need for more staff with PhD qualifications.’

Dr Zakia Ali-Chand
Assistant Professor, College of Humanities and Education, Fiji National University
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