Addressing complex and multifaceted issues underpinning agri-food system transformation.

In partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) ran a one-year pilot programme in 2024, aiming to develop a researchers’ network (RESNET) to address complex and multifaceted issues underpinning agri-food system transformation.
The vision for RESNET is a global platform designed to facilitate South-South and Triangular Cooperation on agri-food system research. Triangular Cooperation involves Southern-driven partnerships between two or more developing countries supported by a developed country(ies)/or multilateral organisation(s) to implement development cooperation programmes and projects.
The aim is to stimulate learning, problem-solving and co-production of knowledge through providing a platform of collaboration between universities, research centres and wider stakeholders from across the Commonwealth, and beyond.
RESNET is aiming to support capacity strengthening, knowledge sharing, and the formation of South-South and Triangular Research clusters on agri-food systems transformation. This approach reflects the interests of ACU members whose research seeks to explore interconnected factors shaping agri-food systems transformation at different scales and in different locations.
In February 2024, the ACU held its first stakeholder engagement meeting attended by agri-food systems researchers across the UK, and in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Singapore, and South Africa. During this meeting, several issues were discussed related to inequity in the agri-food system, research approaches, and multi-level agri-food system policy. Inequity in the agri-food system and capacity strengthening were identified as cross-cutting themes in the development of RESNET beyond the pilot phase.
In spring 2024 the ACU facilitated several online stakeholder consultations with agri-food systems researchers across the Commonwealth and beyond, including one in May 2024 on agri-food systems transformation and climate change. This process allowed us to continue to refine the mission, vision and activities associated with RESNET.
In November 2024 the FAO and ACU convened a policy dialogue at the ACU’s headquarters in London. The event brought together leading academics from universities in the UK, Europe and Africa along with public, INGOs and private sector representatives to discuss the urgent issue of climate change and its impacts on agri-food system transformation. Discussions highlighted the critical role of agri-food system transformation in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participants underscored that achieving meaningful progress on these global goals requires a coordinated international effort, especially from the research and academic communities.
The ACU is committed to continue efforts to support RESNET activities to contribute to this endeavour and is currently seeking financial support to upscale our work in the area.
If you are interested in the topic, or if you have any questions, please contact ACU Head of Programmes Beate Knight (